Welcome to Chiricahua Sky Village

– Dark Sky Astronomy in the High Desert of Arizona

Chiricahua Sky Village (CSV) is a communally owned dark site located in southeast Arizona, where amateur astronomers come together to pursue the hobby under very dark skies that make possible breathtaking visual observations and captivating astrophotography images.

Membership at CSV provides the opportunity to pursue amateur astronomy to the highest standards of achievement in a sustained environment that fosters interactions and friendships.

A widefield astrophotography image of the Orion constellation and associated nebulosity by CSV member Ben Hakala (© Ben Hakala, 2024)

At CSV members buy shares in an LLC that owns the village and their shares are associated with specific lots within the village. The minimum lot area for regular memberships is 5,000 sq. ft. corresponding to two shares. Members are free within some constraints to develop their lots as they see fit. Typically that involves installing cabins/sheds, RV parking areas, observing pads and areas with telescope piers etc.

An important emerging component of CSV is the Personal Remote Observatory (The PRO) developed by Blaine McCoy. Regular CSV members may install PROs on their lots and CSV has also created a separate category of membership for those who wish to focus solely on remote imaging with the PRO. CSV has set aside an area where PROs are located, with each occupying a 500 square foot lot.