Horizons at CSV

In addition to dark sky CSV provides members with 360 degree horizon-to-horizon views of the sky. The picture above is a panoramic 360 degree view of CSV. Our members may observe or image in any direction without obstruction.

Omega Centauri is the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way.  It is a southern hemisphere object and from there it is so massive as to be prominently visible even with the naked eye. 

With CSV’s southern Arizona location and horizon-to-horizon views members have been able to observe or image Omega Centauri during the spring when it is visible at less than 10 degrees above the southern horizon. The image shown here was taken by Peter Monson with his 100 mm Takahashi refractor. The imaging set up is also shown.

NGC5139, Omega Centauri. © Peter Monson, 2024